Tooth Pain and Sensitivity Is Relieved by Root Canal in Katy, TX

Are you suffering from intense pain and sensitivity in your tooth? You probably have a cavity extending up to the root of your tooth. The discomfort will prompt you to visit the best dentist in Katy, TX , who will evaluate your condition before recommending root canal treatment. The suggestion from the dentist is likely to scare you and wonder whether having your painful tooth extracted would be a better option. However, you must remember the pain and sensitivity you are experiencing can be quickly relieved by a root canal in Katy, TX. Unlike in the past, root canal treatment is no longer as fearful as believed. Present-day anesthesia and dental technologies have made it extremely easy for the dentist to remove the infected or inflamed pulp from within your tooth to relieve the pain you are experiencing. Root canal near you is performed in one or two visits and involves the following steps. Your tooth is examined by the dentist who takes x...